Sunday, October 25, 2009

Studio Orchestra This Week

This week we will be trying more songs and picking one to record! Recording will hopefully begin next week in all classes.

Tuesday/Thursday class is ready: we are recording Beck's "Where it's At". Should be fun, and there's lots of parts-- something for everyone. We will begin tracking either Tuesday or Thursday, not sure yet.

Other classes, please come ready to work this week. Let's pick a song and get it in shape.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

International Songwriting Competition

You may want to check this out. Cash prizes, famous judges.

Studio Orchestra Week 3

So far we have jammed a bit and played some blues. This week we will be playing some Reggae music. If you want to get in the mood, listen to some Bob Marley, Jimmy Cliff, Peter Tosh, Toots and the Maytals, etc.

Even if this is not your favorite type of music, please show up and give it a try! One of the goals in this class is to broaden your understanding and ability to play different styles.

Studio Orchestra Week 2

Here are some pics from the first week.