Sunday, April 17, 2011

Studio Orchestra Week 14

This week we will be finishing our original songs. If you are writing lyrics/singing/rapping I need to get you recorded!! Please come to class and stay till we get your part.

If you are designing a CD cover I need to see it ASAP.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Studio Orchestra Week 13

This week we will begin recording our original songs in both classes. Please be on time and prepared to record your parts!

Rappers/singers/ lyric writers: Please write out your lyrics so I can see them! I would prefer if you can make me a copy. I will need to arrange the order of the verses, etc.

We only have this week and next to record, so please help out by being prepared, focused, and willing to work!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rebecca Black vs the Beatles

Great minds think alike?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Studio Orchestra Week 12

OK, this is the time some of you have been waiting for! We will begin writing some original music in both classes this week. Bring your creativity! Rappers, please be in on the creative process from the beginning. We will want your input, and will need to plan the number of verses.

Also, if you haven't brought in music to listen to, this is a good week to do it!

Lastly, don't forget your journals every week!!!